About Puerto Plata - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
San Felipe de Puerto Plata, or simply Puerto Plata, Dominican Puerto Plata is the capital of the province. The city is famous for resorts such as Playa Dorada and Costa Dorada, located east of San Felipe de Puerto Plata. The only lift in the Caribbean is located in Puerto Plata. With it, you can go up to Pico Isabel de Torres, a mountain with a height of 793 meters. The top of the mountain has a botanical garden and a replica of Christ the Savior, the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro.
Since the establishment of La Isabela, the first village in the New World (2 January 1494), Puerto Plata is the first city in the Americas. Historians are not sure the exact year it was founded Puerto Plata. Dr. Llenas said that was founded in 1503. Dr. Joaquin Marino Inchaustegui in its records about the history of the Dominican Republic, mentions that it was 1504. Dr. Manuel Roca Arturo Batlle indicates that the city was founded in 1505. Historians and Jacinto Alonso Rodriguez Demorizi Gimbernard, say it was founded in 1496 and says that in 1506 Padre Espanol.
The fortification Fortaleza San Felipe, which was built in the 16th century and served as a prison under Rafael Trujillo's dictatorship, lies close to the port of Puerta Plata. Amber Museum is also a well-known attraction in this city. La Isabela, a settlement built by Christopher Columbus, is located near Puerto Plata.
In April 1563 a Spanish colony became recognized when the Englishman Sir John Hawkins brought 400 people kidnapped from Sierra Leone and enslaved them. Hawkins traded his victims to the Spanish for pearls, hides, sugar and gold. It was the beginning of British involvement in the transatlantic slave trade, in which 20 million people were forced into slavery.
The city is located on land that rises abruptly from the sea, which makes it almost completely visible from the port. It is bordered to the north Atlantic Ocean, south and south-west hill Isabel de Torres. Little Course which was built around the city endows it with a natural harbor.
Puerto Plata International Airport is served by Gregorio Luperon.
The municipality of San Felipe de Puerto Plata is involved in agricultural activities, industrial and tourism, leading to a major contribution to economic growth throughout the country. Other forms of income, economic development and serve to support certain segments of the population, including the production of ships, fishing, textiles and footwear. The port has a significant impact on national and provincial economy.
Puerto Plata | San Felipe de Puerto Plata, or simply Puerto Plata, Dominican Puerto Plata is the capital of the province. The city is famous for resorts such as Playa Dorada and Costa Dorada, located east of San Felipe de Puerto Plata
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