About Samana - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Samana, Santa Barbara's full name Samana is a city and municipality in the northeastern province and is the capital of the Dominican Republic Samana. It is located on the north coast of Samana Bay. The city is a major tourist destination and is the main center for organized tours to see whales.
The city was founded in 1756 as Santa Barbara de Samana in the governor during the Spanish colonial Francisco Rubio y Peñaranda. Families from the Canary Islands were brought to live in this city and Sabana de la Mar. Santa Barbara was named after Queen Barbara of Braganza, wife of King Ferdinand VI of Spain.
With the creation of Samana Maritime district (similar to an old division of a province) in 1865, the city was elevated to the category of municipality.
Samana is located in a small coastal plain, but now most of the city is situated between the plain surrounded by hills. It is the largest city of the province. It has a total area of 412.11 square kilometers (almost 49% of the total area of the province), including three municipal districts that are part of the city. Most of the land is occupied by the Sierra de Samana, a small mountain range with steep slopes, but not too tall. The highest mountain is Monte Mesa (605 m). Average annual rainfall of 2349.8 mm in Samana are, and average annual temperature is 26.5 ° C.
City had a total population of 51,501 inhabitants: 26,317 men and 25,184 women in 2002. Urban population was 79.24% of the total population. This includes municipal districts population Arroyo Barril, El Limon and Las Galeras.
The main economic activities in the town include tourism, agriculture and fishing.
Samana | Samana, Santa Barbara's full name Samana is a city and municipality in the northeastern province and is the capital of the Dominican Republic Samana. It is located on the north coast of Samana Bay. The city is a major tourist destination and is the main
center for organized tours to see whales
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