About Direct Booking
+4 031 9641Monday - Friday 9 - 18

About Direct Booking

Direct Booking is a travel agency with more than 14 years of experience.

We offer a full range of travel packages with transportation (charter planes, bus) or without. At Direct Booking you can find the best and diverse offers for destinations as Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Coratia, Montenegro, Spain and Italy.

The Direct Booking team is a professional and dedicated teeam, always at your service to pick the best holiday.

We thank the 230000 tourists that traveled with Direct Booking in 2023.

In this page you cand find the impressions left by our customers about Direct Booking team and about the hotels and destinations where they spent their vacation. (Customer reviews page).

Direct Booking licenses

Travel license open
Travel certificate open
Insurance policy open

Traveler reviews about Direct Booking (66798 reviews)
9.33 out of 10 for agency services
9.32 out of 10 for directbooking.ro agents

Iulian 03/18/2025

Teodora 03/18/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Jaz Casa Del Mar Beach, Hurghada

adriana 03/18/2025

nota 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

cristina 03/18/2025

Foarte mulțumiți
Impression about the travel agent (Oana-Cristina): Foarte mulțumiți

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for HOTEL PRIMA LIFE MAKADI, Hurghada

Gheorghe 03/18/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh Hotel, Sahl Hasheesh

Valentina 03/17/2025

Servicii de calitate.
Impression about the travel agent (Adriana): Promptitudine.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Afrodita Resort and Spa, Baile Herculane

Georgiana 03/17/2025

Foarte bune

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Central, Calimanesti Caciulata

Flori 03/17/2025

servicii de calitate

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Tisa, Baile Olanesti

Silviu 03/17/2025

Super mulțumiți de rezervarile făcute prin Direct Booking
Impression about the travel agent (Raluca-Teodora): Profesioniști.Felicitări!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Elena 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Titanic Beach Spa Aqua Park, Hurghada

Corina 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Marea Neagra, Sinaia

Romulus 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Grand Royale, Bansko

Mihaela 03/17/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Hotel Perla, Slanic Moldova

Vali 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Sunrise Garden Beach Resort, Hurghada

Valentina 03/17/2025

Sunteti profi

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Ostrov, Calimanesti Caciulata

Camelia 03/17/2025

Foarte bune
Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): Foarte prompt și rapid

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Darkhill Hotel, Istanbul

cristi 03/17/2025


Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Expo Congress Hotel, Budapest

Constantin 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Caprioara Spa Wellness Resort, Covasna

cristi 03/17/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Jitea Dan 03/17/2025

Foarte bune.
Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): Multumesc!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Tts Wellness Spa, Covasna

Mihaela 03/17/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Safrano Palace, Brasov

andrica 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Sunny Days Palma De Mirette Resort SPA, Hurghada

Lungoci 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Rixos Premium Magawish Suites Villas, Hurghada

LUCICA 03/17/2025

Multumesc Direct Booking
Impression about the travel agent (Marina Catalina): Am colaborat foarte bine. Nota 10!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel President, Baile Felix

Florin 03/17/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): foarte promt in toate detaliile sejurului.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Florin 03/17/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): Super

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Carpathia, Sinaia

Claudia 03/17/2025

Totul a decurs fara probleme . Acces super usor , detaliile rezervarii mereu la dispozitie si usor de achitat din aplicatie.
Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Maria): Am colaborat cu Dna Andreea Panaitescu de minune , raspuns rapid la fiecare mail si chiar am avut de facut modificari la rezervare si dumneaei a rezolvat totul imediat.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for HOTEL PRESIDENT SPA, Baile Felix

Dorin 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Termal, Baile Felix

Levi 03/17/2025

Nota 10
Impression about the travel agent (Liana Andreea): Nota 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Titanic Royal , Hurghada

Violeta-Gabriela 03/17/2025

Pană acum nu am fost dezamăgită de serviciile directbooking. Cele mi bune preturi! Cand rezerv o vacanță mereu iau in considerare acest site(această agentie).
Impression about the travel agent (Ana Maria Cristina): agentul meu a fost ok!Nu mi-a plăcut,in schimb, conversația pe watsap,cu agentul sau robotul care s-a oferit sa ma ajute in căutarea cazarii...dezamăgitor raspunsul dat!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Contilia, Rome

Loredana 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Vila Topaz, Baile Felix

Mugurel 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Carpathia, Sinaia

Aura 03/17/2025

Direct Booking este agenția mea prefertă.
Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): Agentul direct booking a fost un adevărat profesionist.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for PARIS 2025 - 8 Martie, Paris

Szakacs 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel O3Zone, Baile Tusnad

Liviu 03/17/2025

Cei mai buni

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Andreea 03/17/2025

Cele mai bune preturi le gasesc doar pe Direct Booking . Doar cu ei imi rezerv vacantele . Nota 10 din 10 pentru cei de la Direct Booking .

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Royal Grand Hotel And Spa, Kavarna

sorin 03/17/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): excelent

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort Spa, Sharm El Sheikh

Ionicoiu C M 03/17/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Camelia): Super

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Andreea 03/17/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Casablanca, Obzor

daniela 03/17/2025

Profesionisti! Multumesc!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Alaiye Resort Spa, Alanya