About Direct Booking
+4 031 9641Monday - Friday 9 - 18

About Direct Booking

Direct Booking is a travel agency with more than 14 years of experience.

We offer a full range of travel packages with transportation (charter planes, bus) or without. At Direct Booking you can find the best and diverse offers for destinations as Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Coratia, Montenegro, Spain and Italy.

The Direct Booking team is a professional and dedicated teeam, always at your service to pick the best holiday.

We thank the 230000 tourists that traveled with Direct Booking in 2023.

In this page you cand find the impressions left by our customers about Direct Booking team and about the hotels and destinations where they spent their vacation. (Customer reviews page).

Direct Booking licenses

Travel license open
Travel certificate open
Insurance policy open

Traveler reviews about Direct Booking (66804 reviews)
9.33 out of 10 for agency services
9.32 out of 10 for directbooking.ro agents

daniela 03/03/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Safrano Palace, Brasov

razvan 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Lion, Bansko

Viorica 03/03/2025

Promtitudine si seriozitate
Impression about the travel agent (Marina Catalina): Intelegator si receptiv la solicitari

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Malibu, Mamaia

Dana 03/03/2025

Moldovan 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Serry Beach Resort, Hurghada

Mircea 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Lion, Bansko

Mihaela 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Perla, Slanic Moldova

vali 03/03/2025

Am primit serviciile care mi s-au oferit.
Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): Agentul a raspuns la toate intrebarile mele si de fiecare data cand l-am contactat a raspuns promt.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Septimia Resort Hotel Wellness Spa, Odorheiu Secuiesc

Zontea M. 03/03/2025

Colaborare minunata !
Impression about the travel agent (Olivia): Mulțumim doamnei Olivia ,cel mai profesionist agent !Mulțumim!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel President Business, Baile Felix

Ramona 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Lotus Therm Spa Luxury Resort, Baile Felix

Carmen 03/03/2025

Totul a fost in regula.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Gevora Hotel, Dubai

Ghilea 03/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Pensiunea Rafael, Paltinis

Felicia 03/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): Excelent

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Titanic Palace , Hurghada

Ana-Maria 03/03/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Orizont, Predeal

Alexandru 03/02/2025

Servicii Direcy Booking foarte bune.
Impression about the travel agent (Ana Maria Cristina): Profesionist.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Central, Calimanesti Caciulata

andreea 03/02/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Lion, Bansko

Nicoleta 03/02/2025

Foarte bune.
Impression about the travel agent (Elis Camelia): Nota 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel SPA RESORT ST. IVAN RILSKI, Bansko

Calin 03/02/2025

Foarte bun

vasile 03/02/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): Prompt

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel SPA RESORT ST. IVAN RILSKI, Bansko

Cojocariu 03/02/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Cristina): Felicitări!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Bradul , Vatra Dornei

Olivia-Daniela 03/02/2025

Agentul care mi-a facut rezervarea este ok! La fel si agentia, au preturi bune, am facut multe rezervari prin această agenție.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

alex 03/02/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Lotus Therm Spa Luxury Resort, Baile Felix

Dinca 03/01/2025

Servicii ok.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Xanadu Makadi Bay, MAKADY BAY

Popa 03/01/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): Super

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Central, Calimanesti Caciulata

VALENTIN 03/01/2025

Servicii de calitate.

Nicoleta 03/01/2025

Serviciile direct booking, impecabile! Sunt foarte mulțumită !
Impression about the travel agent (Andreea): am fost inștiințată de tot ce ține de plată, pachet, locație! Mulțumesc!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Sibiel, Sibiel

Marian 03/01/2025

Foarte ok
Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Cristina): Foarte ok

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Hotel Perla, Slanic Moldova

Radu 03/01/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Mihaela): seriozitate

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Stefan 03/01/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

florin 03/01/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Labranda Ephesus Princess, Kusadasi

Alina 03/01/2025

Foarte promit și corecți, am găsit prețul mult la mai bun la directbooking, față de recepția hotelului.
Impression about the travel agent (Adrian Marius): Nota 10 pt dl Marius tuzlaru

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Aurelius Imparatul Romanilor, Poiana Brasov

Geanina 03/01/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea): Excelent

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Central, Calimanesti Caciulata

Simona 02/28/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel O3Zone, Baile Tusnad

Deaconu 02/28/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 8
Booking for Hotel Lion, Bansko

bogdan 02/28/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aparthotel LUCKY BANSKO SPA RELAX, Bansko

Constantin 02/27/2025


Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for BACOLUX DIANA RESORT, Baile Herculane

Radu 02/27/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): Ok

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Cheile Gradistei - Fundata, Fundata

Bianca 02/27/2025

eliza 02/27/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel SPA RESORT ST. IVAN RILSKI, Bansko

Gigi 02/27/2025

totul ok

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Therma Eco , Kranevo